210527 고견사 침엽수고사목
The description hereunder has been written based on the specimens of Artomyces microsporus collected in Ukraine (see list below), particularly the collection A. Fraiture 3067. More detailed descriptions of the species are given by Wu & Petersen (1992) and Lickey et al. (2003) and information about sulphovanillin reaction in gloeocystidia and gloeoplerous hyphae is given by Hjortstam (1989). Sporophores (Fig. 1-2) up to 9-10 (-14) × 5 (-12) cm, clavarioid, profusely and pyxidately branched from the base, devoid of a conspicuous stipe. Branches thin, densely crowded, forming up to 6-7 ranks, with a coronate tip, cream to pale pinkish ochraceous (4A2, 5A2), becoming orange brown to dark brown (7D7, 7F8) from the tips with age or desiccation (colour codes after Kornerup & Wanscher, 1978). Spore print whitish. Basidiospores 3.0-3.35-3.8 × 2.1-2.45-2.9 µm, Q = 1.10-1.35-1.56, ellipsoid to largely ellipsoid, amyloid, appearing smooth under light microscope (immersion; magnification 1560×), verrucose under SEM (Fig. 4). Basidia 12-16 × 3-4 µm. Gloeocystidia cylindrical, 3.5-5.0 µm wide, not or slightly protruding, appearing dark grey with black granules in sulphovanillin. Hymenium pale lilac in sulphovanillin. Generative hyphae clamped, thin-walled, 4.5-7.0 µm diam. Ecology: In a Pinus sylvestris forest containing many Quercus robur, on podzolic sand. The locality is situated in a part of the forest which was partly destroyed by fire a few years ago. All the observed specimens were growing on dead wood of Pinus
보통의 싸리버섯은 나무와 공생하며 땅에서 발생하지만 나무싸리버섯속은 나무에서 부후시키며 발생하는 특징이 있어 속간동정은 쉽다.
나무싸리 속 중에 제일 흔한 종은 좀나무싸리버섯인데,
좀나무싸리버섯과의 차이점은 버섯의 분지 형태 차이가 있으며 포자의 크기에서 약간의 차이가 있다.
식용도 가능하고 목재부후균이라 재배가 가능해서 여러 연구가 이루어 졌었지만, 글쎄...
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